The meaning of hiking: a journey for body and soul

05 Mar 2024 | Activities

The allure of hiking, an activity that has its roots in the mists of time, now shines a new light, becoming a bridge between the adventure of exploration and the inner journey of the human being.

For some years now, hiking, the activity of walking in nature for several days along trails, has been experiencing an explosion of interest and participation. More and more people are dedicating themselves to it with daily experiences, weekends and trips, and to achieve different goals: to exercise, to disconnect from daily life and the routine life of inhabited centers, to immerse themselves in unspoiled and regenerating environments and, last but not least, to improve the relationship with themselves, through a new awareness of their bodies and emotions. That’s why hiking, a discipline that can combine all these experiences, becomes a great opportunity: you slow down, reflect and get to know each other better, cultivating at the same time the spirit of adventure and the respect for nature and the environment.

The history of hiking: a millennial journey

Hiking has its roots in the human need for exploration, spirituality, and connection with nature. But while it was originally linked to the need for hunting, gathering, displacement or pilgrimage, over time it has also evolved into a form of voluntary adventure and discovery. A development, this one, that not surprisingly has grown in modern and post-modern times, when precisely technology (from factories, to cars, to smartphones) has increasingly distanced us from the natural environment, the one made up of grass, trees, rocks, rivers, but also sounds, scents and colors to which, perhaps, we are no longer accustomed. Therefore, a new need has arisen, that is, to take a step back and return in contact with nature, through authentic, immersive, and emotional experiences, rediscovering the pleasure of slowness and attention to detail, while also challenging our physical and mental abilities.

trekking vs hiking: two different ways to travel.

Trekking vs Hiking: two different ways to travel.

There are two main outdoor activities to practice in nature: trekking and hiking. Hiking experiences involves daily hikes with long energetic walk in a natural environment on hiking trails or footpaths. It’s an outdoor activity for fun or pleasure, to reconnect with nature and calm the mind. It provides a base to return after the various daily excursions and is ideal for deepening one’s knowledge of a specific area, without the need to move people and equipment every day. This is the most popular “formula” for many hiking trips such as those organized in Italy by the WeHike team. On the other hand, trekking, which is largely concerned with cross-country hiking trails, dirt roads, pilgrimage routes and historical routes, involves daily travel with long vigorous hikes for multiple days or weeks with overnight stays in different places along the way. A Trekking trip is all about embracing unique moments, landscapes, and new cultures around the world in a more dynamic, spiritual, and authentic way.

Benefits of hiking and trekking: a natural therapy

Whatever mode of hike or trek is preferred, the benefits it brings are many and on many levels. Hiking and trekking improve physical health, boosting cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and contribute to mental well-being, reducing stress and anxiety. Taking place outdoors also stimulate the production of endorphins, promoting feelings of well-being and relaxation. Finally, immersion in nature with mindful breathing and walking meditation cultivates a heightened awareness of mental and physical states helping to restore inner balance and personal awareness.

the benefits of trekking range from improved physical health to mental well-being

The allure of adventure: why every hiking experience is unique.

If there is one word able to hold together the different experiences and sensations related to the practice of trekking or hiking, it is undoubtedly “discovery” because every path is a unique journey: even if we repeat it several times, that hiking trail or path will always be different. About the nature they are made of, about the living things that inhabit it, about our own abilities and feelings, about our relationship with others, for example, our fellow adventurers. Hiking is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, experiences, and emotions. Hiking is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, experiences and emotions.

Nature invites everyone to participate in this adventure: all that’s left is to lace up our hiking boots and follow the call. Are you ready to turn words into steps? Join us on an unforgettable adventure with WeHike! Discover our hiking trips program for 2024, where each trail tells a unique story and each step brings you closer to nature and yourself.

With WeHike, every hike is more than a journey: it is a journey of discovery, wellness and adventure. From pristine trails to breathtaking views, we have taken care of every detail to provide you with a unique and emotionally rich experience.




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