The essence of slow tourism in Chianti

30 Nov 2022 | Activities

Hiking around, taking it slow, staying in small local facilities, getting to know and respect the territory, its products and its inhabitants: slow tourism in Chianti is a discovery full of wonders.

escursioni ed esperienze nel chianti e viaggi trekking organizzati in italia | wehike

The hills and valleys, vineyards and farms, markets and medieval farmhouses in which the Chianti region is rich are the ideal elements to experience a holiday, or even just a weekend, in the sign of slow tourism.

This new way of travelling and experiencing has been spreading for a few years now, and more and more places are welcoming those who choose to unplug from the frenetic rhythms of modernity and enjoy slow tourism, which is good for the traveler, the host and the territories involved. But what is the real meaning of slow tourism?

Slow Tourism in Chianti

The first clue is provided by its very name, which has to do with the concept of ‘time’. Not just the time of the passing hours, but the time in our heads, always in tune with the rhythms imposed by work, commitments and the Internet, where quantity prevails over quality. In Chianti, among the beautiful hills, in the heart of Tuscany, quality time prevails: with a glass of a good Chianti Classico wine to sip while chatting with those who produce it or in the crystal-clear air that one breathes while walking through paths, streams and historic villages, such as Greve in Chianti, precisely one of the founding municipalities of Cittaslow International.

But what are the benefits of this new “slow” way of discovering the world? The first to benefit are the tourists themselves. Experiences, places and encounters take on a different, deeper and more authentic meaning, and remain impressed for longer.

Learn more about Greve in Chianti, “città slow” and one of the most important in Chianti.

chianti experiences with wine tasting in the village of greve in chianti
Matteotti Square in Greve in Chianti, “città slow” of Chianti

Slow Tourism, the right way to travel

Another essential positive side closely affects the communities of local people and territories that welcome us. Crossing them on foot, or by bicycle, or why not on the back of a donkey, helps to respect the environment, not to pollute it, not to despoil its natural resources and those that are the fruit of the work of those who live there: such as the DOCG Chianti Classico wine, the DOP olive oil of Chianti, the flowers cultivated in the gardens or the clay objects of a workshop where people still work as in the past.

Would you like to have a real “slow” experience? Browse WeHike’s offerings.

experiences in the chianti region with artisanal ceramic workshop
Working with clay during a class at a workshop in Chianti

A new way to experience Chianti: slow tourism with WeHike

Once the soul is let go, everything follows with absolute certainty‘, wrote Henry Miller in the incipit of Tropic of Capricorn.

At WeHike, we have made ‘slow’ experiences the center of our lives, and if there is one thing we have learnt, it is that before organizing accommodation in a ‘local’ spirit or planning car-free travel, the real change begins in the very soul of each traveler: trying to rediscover the sense of wonder, the desire to discover and learn, the feeling of community.

The rest will come of itself.

And what better place to start than Chianti? Hiking, rafting, food and wine itineraries, parish churches, castles and villages that seem to have stopped in the Middle Ages, and a widespread network of small handicrafts.

Plus, of course, the proverbial hospitality of the small, big heart of Tuscany.

Discover Chianti with WeHike!




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